"The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought." - Samuel Adams

Good Old Fashioned Nullification Hatchet Job Courtesy of CNN

CNN resurrected the old-school hatchet-job template for nullification articles this week. Andrew Kaczynski and Chris Massie breathlessly reported Alabama Republican congressional candidate Roy Moore "signed onto a resolution in 2010 affirming the right of states to nullify, or void, federal law." We haven't seen an anti-nullification story following this script in quite a while. But Kaczynski and..

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Black Churches Burning: Beware of False Narrative

Over the last few days, I've seen a number of stories in national media reporting on fires at black churches, predominantly in southern states. (Some reports include a fire at an Ohio church, but many don't.) Graphics like this one push the narrative. In fact, many readers will draw their conclusions on the map alone...

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