"The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought." - Samuel Adams

Thoughts from Maharrey Head #75: “States’ Rights” and Liberty

"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I explain why supporting "states' rights" is crucial for liberty. During an interview on the Lions of Liberty Podcast, Libertarian Party National Committee Chairman Nicholas Sarwark created a stir when he called Ron Paul’s support for “states’ rights” anti-libertarian. While he later..

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No, Secession is Not Treason

Those seeking to erase Confederate flags and other symbols of the Confederacy from the public sphere most often refer to the association with slavery and racism. I strongly condemn this movement to purge and censor. Tossing inconvenient or uncomfortable history down the proverbial memory hole smacks of Orwellian tyranny. Totalitarian regimes cleanse history. This rising..

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Nevada, You Have a Problem!

Nevada, you have a problem. Many have framed the standoff between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the Federal Bureau of Land Management as a “states’ rights” issue. Consider this summary by CBS News. “The fight between Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management widened into a debate about states' rights and federal land-use policy. Bundy..

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