"The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought." - Samuel Adams

Constitution 101: The Judiciary and Judicial Review

The federal judiciary has arguably become the most powerful branch of the general government. Opinions issued by nine politically connected lawyers have redefined marriage throughout the entire United States, authorized the internment of American citizens and dictated what kinds of decorations cities can display in their parks. Federal courts were never intended to wield this..

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More Madison; Less Tea Party Fundraising

The other day, I got a fundraising email from the Tea Party Patriots imploring me to pony up and help them "defend the Supreme Court." Our constitutional rights are in jeopardy if a conservative isn't nominated and approved to fill former Justice Antonin Scalia's shoes on the Supreme Court." If? Really? They make it sound..

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Thoughts from Maharrey Head #58: The Anti-Commandeering Doctrine

"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I explain a legal principle known as the anti-commandeering doctrine that puts a Supreme Court stamp of approval on James Madison's blueprint to stop federal overreach through state non-cooperation. Last week, I talked about James Madison's blueprint to stop federal overreach, involving..

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Supreme Court Hysteria

In the wake of Justice Antonin Scalia’s sudden and unexpected death, many on the right have gone into an absolute panic. There seems to be this sense that the very fabric of American constitutionalism could tear in half depending on whom Obama nominates to fill the newly created vacancy on the Court. It’s the “we..

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