“10 Minutes Closer to Freedom”

The Republicans still haven’t gotten rid of Obamacare and they aren’t going to. But there are things going on at the state level that could eventually undermine and replace the federal healthcare debacle.

In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey, I tell you about some exciting developments at the state level and share my personal experience seeking out alternatives to the unaffordable care act. You’ll be amazed at how much money I’m saving – for better care than I was getting in the insurance-based system.

You can subscribe to Thoughts from Maharrey Head for free on iTunes. Just click HERE.


Obamacare: Will States do the Job that Congressional Republicans Have Failed to Do?

Report on Florida Direct Primary Care Bill to Expand Healthcare Freedom

How States Can Help Bring Down Obamacare

Michigan Governor Signs Bill Freeing Up Market Approach to Health Care