"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" James Madison warned that a country could not preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. The U.S. has been embroiled in war for decades. If you care about limited government and freedom, this should concern you deeply. In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about..
Read moreThe Power to Make War: Thoughts from Maharrey Head #110
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" Under the Constitution, the president does not have the authority to launch offensive military actions. Not for 90 days. Not for 60 days. Not for one minute. And the War Powers Resolution of 1973 does not change that. In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about presidential..
Read moreThe Constitution Isn’t Silly Putty: Thoughts from Maharrey Head #102
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" A lot of people seem to think the Constitution is Silly Putty. The call it "malleable" and claim politicians can shape it into any form that fits the current political climate. They're wrong. In fact, the whole point of a written Constitution was to ensure that powers of government were..
Read moreReal News: Jeff Sessions Can’t Do Squat About Marijuana (Interview)
The federal government has relentlessly tried to enforce marijuana prohibition, but because of state action, it has utterly failed. I appeared on InfoWars Real News with David Knight to talk about Jeff Sessions' empty threat to crack down on marijuana and more generally about the effectiveness of state nullification. "No matter what the federal government has..
Read moreRadio Interview: Jeff Sessions and His Feckless Marijuana Policy
Last week, I appeared on Patrick Timpone's One Radio network show to talk about AG Jeff Sessions and his feckless pot policy. What was initially slated to be a conversation about state efforts to resist federal marijuana prohibition turned into a wide-ranging discussion on the Tenth Amendment, state power and the effectiveness of nullification. I started the..
Read moreNow’s the Time to Defend Constitutional Barriers
Caveat emptor. Seize the day. Or as Rahm Emanuel famously said, "You never want a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before." The tragic shooting in Las Vegas has created yet another serious crisis, and politicians are already tripping..
Read moreConstitutionally, Trump’s Opinion on Afghanistan Shouldn’t Matter
As a candidate, Pres. Trump called the war in Afghanistan "futile" and pledged to pull the U.S. out of the quagmire. But in a recent speech, the president announced a plan committed to extending and deepening U.S. military involvement in that country. Trump said he was now convinced “a hasty withdrawal would create a vacuum for..
Read moreHow the Federal Fight Against Sanctuary Cities Undermines the Constitution
We all need to fight the temptation to abandon constitutional principles when they conflict with our policy preferences. I recently appeared on a radio show to talk about the Tenth Amendment and nullification. The conversation moved along marvelously as I explained Madison's blueprint, and how state and local governments can thwart unwarrantable federal actions (and..
Read moreThe Constitution: A Tool for Decentralization and Liberty (Video-Speech)
On July 18, I spoke at the Libertarian Party of Kentucky District 3 meeting in Louisville, Ky. and explained why I believe the Constitution is so important. In a word - decentralization. (more…)
Read moreThoughts from Maharrey Head #99: America’s First Immigration Debate
"10 Minutes Closer to Freedom" In this episode of Thoughts from Maharrey Head, I talk about America's first immigration debate and what it reveals about federal power. Immigration ranks among the most contentious political issues in America today. Debates rage about "pathways to citizenship," building walls and blocking refugees. But Americans often ignore the most..
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